Health and Safety

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Health and Safety at Work

Yes, we know it's boring to young people

But this is important stuff and could save you from injury or worse in future

You are not invulnerable, unfortunately

Statistics show that 18- to 24-year-olds are more likely to have a serious accident at work than older adults. They may be exposed to poor working conditions leading to the development of occupational illnesses while still young or later in life.

New to the workplace, young people may lack experience and often lack both physical and psychological maturity. They may not take seriously enough the risks that they face. Other factors that put young people at greater risk include:

  • Insufficient skills and training
  • Not being aware of their rights and their employer’s duties
  • Not having the confidence to speak out
  • Employers not recognising the additional protection that young workers need

Young people have the right to ask questions, raise concerns and refuse to do work that is not safe.

At the same time, they have responsibilities to follow H&S policies and look after their own and colleagues’ safety.

If you are a young worker and you have a problem, the most important thing is to tell someone. Talk to your boss if you can. If you can’t, talk to your safety representative, occupational health staff or a parent, guardian or trusted colleague.

National safety and health organisations and trade unions are good sources of advice.

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