Virtual School Trips

Virtual Work Experience Services

Virtual School Trips

A tour of the NASA Research Centre in Langley, USA

Have a look around The White House, Washington DC

Full information about Acropolis in Athens, Greece plus a stunning video of the Parthenon

A Virtual Tour and information about the Great Wall of China

Check out the spectacular Machu Picchu in Peru

A link to various tours around the Louvre Museum

A number of Virtual Tours of the Vatican in Rome, Italy

Various Virtual Tours of some of USA's National Parks. Visit volcanoes, canyons and even dive to a shipwreck

Have a look around the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

A tour of Longleat Safari Park

Narrated by Kate Humble

Visit the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London

Check out the live webcams from Dublin Zoo

Take a trip up Mount Everest

                    suggested by 

           Sophie and Ethan N

Look around the World's Largest Cave in Vietnam

           suggested by 

Sophie and Ethan N

Visit a Virtual Planetarium

suggested by 

Sophie and Ethan N

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